Friday, March 29, 2019



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Actualmente en los restaurantes regionales se acompaña con frijoles charros, cebolla asada, tortilla, limón y salsa.

(Currently in regional restaurants it is accompanied with charro beans, roasted onion, tortilla, lemon and sauce.)


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Esta carne seca, finamente picada o deshebrada, se cocina con huevo para formar un plato clásico de los desayunos.

(This dry meat, finely chopped or shredded, is cooked with egg to form a classic breakfast dish.)


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Suele consumirse en tacos y acompañada de una buena cerveza.
Muchos restaurantes ofrecen, igualmente, ofrecen esta alternativa carnívora junto con otros cortes finos.

(It is usually consumed in tacos and accompanied by a good beer. Many restaurants offer, equally, offer this carnivorous alternative along with other fine cuts.)

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